ICCF - Correspondence Chess

ICCF - Correspondence Chess
ComputerunterstĂŒtztes Fernschach

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018

365Chess.com chess friends.

Dear Manfred,
We are excited to introduce to you our latest feature which was based on suggestions from our valued 365Chess.com chess friends.
The engine analysis has arrived !!! We have added the possibility to evaluate positions with a powerful chess engine. As you know the power of these algorithms has grown exponentially and they are of great help in positional analysis.
And there’s more, on the Opening Explorer you’ll find some analysis previously ran so the evaluations are ready for you in no time! We are sure that this new information will be of great help in the analysis of positions through the Opening Explorer.
Gradually the Opening Explorer positions are being analyzed and saved, each time with more depth and precision, each time a better analysis !!
We are using the Stockfish chess engine, a powerful and recognized chess engine, considered one of the best.
As you know, most of 365Chess.com’s features are free and this is no exception. We believe in a free chess experience and we want to keep it that way. To maintain our vision we rely on your support to make it possible. If you can make a donation to support our work at this time we would be extremely grateful. Just click this link:
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Thank you in advance for your contribution. You have no idea how much it means to us to have your Support.
Warm regards,
365Chess.com Team
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Dear Manfred, thank you for your contact.

I'm sorry but at this moment the only payment solution is Paypal.
If you don’t have a Paypal account it’s very easy to create one and it’s free. You won’t have any extra charges.

Kind regards,
365Chess.com Team

Sachlich, analytisch, hochbegabt

Sachlich, analytisch, hochbegabt https://t.co/GC8Ajd79zO via @bodenseeperlen — paukstadt (@paukstadt) August 8, 2021