ICCF - Correspondence Chess

ICCF - Correspondence Chess
ComputerunterstĂŒtztes Fernschach

Freitag, 23. MĂ€rz 2018

Dr.Johannes Zwanzger - Chessprogramming

Shredder versus Jonny, Shredder had a winning position, already about to announce mate in X. There would nothing wrong for Johannes to resign on behalf of Jonny. Apparently due to a bug, Shredder allowed a threefold repetition, still high plus score. Johannes, while his engine had a zero score, and the external GUI a "Threefold repetition" Infobox popped up, decided that Info is no draw-claim and continued the game by making the move over the board. TD Jaap van den Herik first miss understood, assuming Johannes would claim a draw rather than asking to continue

Sachlich, analytisch, hochbegabt

Sachlich, analytisch, hochbegabt https://t.co/GC8Ajd79zO via @bodenseeperlen — paukstadt (@paukstadt) August 8, 2021