ICCF - Correspondence Chess

ICCF - Correspondence Chess
ComputerunterstĂŒtztes Fernschach

Mittwoch, 14. MĂ€rz 2018

FIDE Candidates 2018: Kramnik Wins Chess Brilliancy Vs Aronian


What a stage! What a chess game! Vladimir Kramnik plays, "one of the greatest games I have seen. Amazing from start to finish, absolutely unbelievable," according to candidate Alexander Grischuk. GM Robert Hess breaks down this magnificent game that will likely impact who will challenge Magnus Carlsen for the world chess championship in fall. Don't miss GM Robert Hess and Alex Yermolinsky breaking down each round of the Candidates' as soon as they finish on twitch.tv/chess and chess.com/tv.

Sachlich, analytisch, hochbegabt

Sachlich, analytisch, hochbegabt https://t.co/GC8Ajd79zO via @bodenseeperlen — paukstadt (@paukstadt) August 8, 2021